

I am excited to announce that we recently began a 48 hour Paramedic Refresher Course at Norton Fire Department! I forgot how much fun it is to be in a class with a bunch of firemedics! I am look forward to doing more C.E. courses for the department in the near future
The new fire station they have been waiting for has finally broke ground and  the department is on it's way becoming  predominately Fire/Medic.

Congratulations to Chief Schultz and his crew.



Welcome to the new site for The Phoenix Training Academy, LLC. We offer many programs, including CPR, First Aid, Blood borne Pathogens and EMS Continuing Education.

Our courses can be conducted on your site or ours. We have a nice comfortable classroom in the Holy Trinity United Methodist Church located at 1127 Copley road. This site affords us many rooms when needed and the ability to hold larger course offerings including small conferences if we so choose.

There is a dedicated site for our CPR and First Aid courses, with dates, times and registration information. Check out our site at http://www.childcaretrainingsite.web.officelive.com/

We have just begun to expand our instructional abilities again after taking a break. We look forward to hearing from students and seeing some old and some new folks in our courses.

Watch for more information in the near future.

Vickie Griffin NREMT-P
President and Course Coordinator